Arab-Israeli Conflict

1. History

2. Attempts at Peace = Palestine Papers
- why Israel does not want peace: in their interest to prolong the war for settlement growth
3. Apartheid Debate

Documentaries and Films:

A film about a french woman living in Israel and working with the Red Cross in Palestine. It pegs two worlds against each other and shows the difficulties both sides feel. In the end, she inadvertently helps her friend, Rand, become a suicide bomber.

The Other Son
This is a film about an Israeli boy and Palestinian boy switched at birth and the issues they faced coming to this realization and the political ramifications.

Lemon Tree:
This is a fictional movie about a Paestinian widow, Salma, who has a field of lemon trees that is set on the green line border between Israel and the West Bank. She is lonely because her son is in America, her daughters are preocuppied with their own lives, and her husband is dead. The Israeli Defense Minister moves next to her and because of the security risk, the Savak (secret service) wish to cut down the lemon trees. This leads Salma to bring the issue to court. The court decision was to uproot half the trees and that she receives compensation. This movie sheds light on the various issues that Palestinians face, such as the Intifada Act, which means that if land is seized due to security measures, then compensation is not mandatory. Also, the unjustified nature of these seizures are highlighted due to the fact that the trees were passed down by her father. It also shows how this negatively affects Israelis as well. The issue of the lemon trees causes tension between the defense minister and his wife. Also, in the end, a big wall replaces the area where the lemon trees were. It shows how it disrupted the natural beauty of the landscape and overall had a negative effect on their lives.

Where do We Go Now:
A comedy that sheds light on important issues, surronding the conflict in Lebanon and the deaths that have resulted.


Paradise Now:

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